
Asian Chicken Tacos

Asian Chicken Tacos

A couple of weeks ago we got the chance to go to Paris Photo Los Angeles (you can read more about that here and here). For a photographer, going to exhibits like this can be very inspiring, but one of the best features is the food trucks. Although there didn't seem to be as many as last year, there were still a half dozen or so to choose from. Our first choice was the grilled cheese truck, but, unfortunately, by the time we decided it was time to eat, they had closed for a break. We walked around for several minutes trying to decide. There was the $10 per slice pizza, the burritos made with salmon, nothing that looked too appealing… luckily, we found one selling simple, delicious, and inexpensive tacos and french fries - Komodo. First of all, the french fries just melted in our mouths - smothered in garlic and parmesan with the perfect crunch as you bite into them. The tacos were different from any I had had before. Made with grilled, marinated chicken, sticky rice, and mandarin oranges; they were a wonderful blend of sweet and savory. As soon as we got home I was under orders to try to make them for dinner as soon as possible. I experimented a bit and it's not quite the same as the ones from Komodo, but they were still really tasty, plus really simple to make. Now we'll have to go back downtown in search of Komodo so I can do a comparison… all in the name of research, of course.

Asian Chicken Tacos

Marinade for Shredded Chicken
1/8 cup white vinegar
1/8 cup canola oil
1/8 cup soy sauce
1 tablespoon sesame oil
A dash of lime juice
3 tablespoons brown sugar
1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
A pinch of salt
A pinch of ground black pepper
2 chicken breasts, cooked and shredded

1 dozen small corn tortillas (two for each taco)
2 cups cooked rice
Shredded chicken
1 small can mandarin oranges (in juice, not syrup)
2 green onions, chopped


Mix together the marinade ingredients in a small bowl. Add the shredded chicken and let sit for several hours. Heat up the chicken in a small pan over medium heat. Warm up the tortillas. Placing two tortillas together, add a spoonful or two of rice, followed by the chicken, a couple of orange slices, and sprinkle the top with green onions. Serve.